About Us

Gazi University Working Capital Management Article 2 of article 58 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 was prepared in accordance with article 2 of the regulation published in the official journal dated July 51983 and numbered 18098, dated  September 19 1999 and published in the official newspaper numbered 23821. Accordingly, it was established within the scope of the official newspaper dated May 23 2000 and numbered 24057.

  1. To provide businesses and similar services related to the production of scientific opinions, projects, researches and similar services to be requested by organizations other than higher education institutions and real and legal persons.

  2. To perform all kinds of work and consultancy services.

  3. To perform work and similar services related to all kinds of examinations, tests, surgeries, maintenance and service production and  in clinics, polyclinics, operating rooms and laboratories.

  4. To manage constant and temporary organizations with and without beds related to all kinds of health services that have been opened.

  5. To do all kinds of publishing and printing works.

  6. To ensure the implementation of certain scientific results.

  7. To produce business and services limited to the fields of activity of the units by evaluating the existing physical capacity.To open sales and display places for marketing and selling of the obtained products with the permission of the Rector in advance. Briefly, the activities can be summarized as like that.

The purpose of Gazi University Working Capital Management :It prioritizes research, education and training and the application that contributes to them during its studies related to the duties of our university.To be able to manage the production or sale of goods or services of a resulting priceable nature.


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